The Untold

Let it all out, The simple act of opening up can go a long way in the process of emotional healing

What is The Untold?

The Untold is an interactive public installation that aims to help people to restore their current emotional state. People would be able to share their current emotion through the story that they've told and receive feedback based on what they are feeling from others. People that are suffering from anxiety symptoms would be able to use The Untold as their first-aid solution. The Untold aims to make its user realize the state that they are currently in, and guide them to seek professional assistance. The Untold also aims to break the stigma against mental illness in society.

The Untold installation consists of two different booths, the Conveyor and the Listener. The Conveyor will be able to share their stories to the Listener, and the Listener will be able to give feedback to the Conveyor based on the Conveyor's current emotion. The Untold is a safe space for people to seek for help, as the interaction is purely anonymous. Both booths will be located in a separate area. The Listener also would not be able to hear the story that the Conveyor told, instead the Listener will be able to see what the Conveyor currently felt through the color of the lights inside the booth. The Untold is able to detect four different emotion and will produce four different lights based on those emotions. Red represents anger emotion, green represents fear emotion, blue represents sadness, and yellow represents joy.


The Conveyor would be able to share their emotion through the story that they've told. This side is suitable for those that are currently seeking help, or just want to tell their story to other people. The Conveyor will be able to hear feedback from Listeners regarding the emotion that they are currently feeling.


The Listener will be able to see the Conveyor's emotion, and able to give feedback for the Conveyor. This side is suitable for those that wants to help those in need. By being a Listener, you would be able to make someone else's day.

The Untold Booth. Picture taken and edited by UQ EAIT Marketing

The Untold Booth. Picture taken and edited by Judit Losh

Target Demographics

The Untold targets people that are feeling anxious, fear or stressed out. More importantly, The Untold aims to help people that are suffering from Anxiety Disorder or Clinical Depression symptoms. Anxious or depressed people need someone to talk to, but often enough they are not brave enough to open up to talk about their problems because of fear of being judged. People will be able to share their stories with complete strangers and eliminates the risk a person being judged, which is also why The Untold is suitable for its target demographics.

Anxious and stressed person